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Thursday, April 2nd: Family Albums

A page from one of our Family Albums: Ilira on vacation

Today is Thursday, April 2nd

Rag & Bone Bindery is open for business

(read our post from Wednesday, March 25th for more information about how we're able to remain open for business)


We're thinking about Family Albums this week in the bindery. Above is a page from one of the family albums I've made for our little family. The most enjoyable part is gathering the photos together. I go through my iPhone and create a new folder for the photos I want to print. I find it easiest to transfer iPhone photos to my iMac so I can review in Photoshop. Sometimes I'll color correct or edit photos before printing. Once photos are edited, I upload them to a removable SD card and bring them to our local CVS. There are online options for printing photos, but a photographer friend once told us that the photo printing machines at CVS are similar to the ones used by online vendors. And getting photos printed locally takes about an hour.

Once the photos are printed, I make different piles on my desk with the goal of one-pile-per-page, about 1-6 photos per page. I always plan on trimming photos - most remain 4x6, but I do trim many of them to break up the look of each album page. In the last Family Album I made, there were pages for: graduation ceremonies, our vacation to Cape Cod, blueberry picking, a trip to the Whaling Museum, several photos of gatherings with friends, our son fencing, our daughter putting on her plays at high school. We commemorate smaller moments too like haircuts, the kids making funny faces, day trips, hikes in Rhode Island and sunsets at the beach. Each page has a different 'theme' and if I'm honest the photos are never in order by date. Just whatever works for the album. If you joined our mailing list, look for a mailing with more Family Album ideas and two new cover options of our Paper Page Albums we're adding this week.

Thank you for continuing to order during this time. It makes us happy to know we can help in our small way. We're not front line responders, who deserve all the appreciation, but we're doing what we can to help spark creativity during this unusual time.

Please remain safe and take care of friends and family while we stay close to home doing our best to #flattenthecurve.

We'll update the blog again tomorrow.

Let us know if you have any questions. Use the contact form on our Contact page to send us a message, or call us direct at 401 728 0762. We're usually in the Bindery by 9:00 and leave around 4:00 (EST). Cheers! - Jason