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Tuesday, April 21st: The Book Makers

The Book Makers Documentary

Today is Tuesday, April 21st

Rag & Bone Bindery is open for business

(read our post from Wednesday, March 25th for more information about how we're able to remain open for business)


It's Tuesday and we found another interesting documentary which should be available soon. I contacted the producers and they said the release date for the 2020 film festival season has been postponed due to the Corona Virus. Hopefully it will be available to stream soon, we'll keep an eye out. From the producers: "The Book Makers is a 1-hour documentary that pulls back the curtain on the people who are keeping books alive in the 21st century. From the esoteric world of book artists to the digital libraries of the Internet Archive, the film spins a tale of the enduring vitality of the book." Sounds awesome!

Vimeo doesn't allow us to embed the video on our blog, but you can watch it on the Vimeo site here:

We'll update the blog again tomorrow.

Contact us anytime if you have questions about ordering or our books, use our contact page to send us a direct message, or call us at 401 728 0762. We're usually in the Bindery by 9:00 and leave around 4:00 (EST). Cheers! - Jason