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Friday, April 17th: Don't Forget Grandma!

Grandma's Brag Book

Today is Friday, April 17th

Rag & Bone Bindery is open for business

(read our post from Wednesday, March 25th for more information about how we're able to remain open for business)


It's Friday and we just sent out our Mother's Day promotion. If you joined our mailing list, look for it today. Mother's Day will be a little different this year as we adjust to the normalcy of social distancing. We'll have to find new ways to connect and celebrate together while still remaining apart. We think a great way to honor the special women in your life is to share photos and stories of their favorite people. Whether you gather treasured portraits and snapshots in one of our Photo Binders, or assemble a collection of mementos in one of our unique Paper Page Albums, a handmade gift from the heart is a wonderful way to honor Mother’s Day. And don't forget Grandma with a Grandma's Brag Book!

Please remain safe and take care of friends and family while we stay close to home doing our best to #flattenthecurve.

We'll update the blog again tomorrow.

Contact us anytime if you have questions about ordering or our books, use our contact page to send us a direct message, or call us at 401 728 0762. We're usually in the Bindery by 9:00 and leave around 4:00 (EST). Cheers! - Jason