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Friday, March 27th: We're Making Binders

Making Binders in the Bindery!

Today is Friday, March 27th

Rag & Bone Bindery is open for business

(read our post from Wednesday, March 25th for more information about how we're able to remain open for business)


It's Friday, and we're making books. Friday's are generally quiet as we end the week by finishing and packing orders, but this Friday we expect to be especially quiet. Most of us are staying home, as we should. Non essential stores are closed and those that are open feel just a little bit different.

Thank you for continuing to order during this time. We know moms are still having babies and need baby books, and journalers and artists are writing and creating in their new journals. And lots of binders are going out the door as we have extra time to put together those photo binders. It makes us happy to know we can help in our small way. We're not front line responders, who deserve all of our appreciation, but we're doing what we can to help spark creativity during this unusual time.

Please remain safe and take care of friends and family while we stay close to home doing our best to #flattenthecurve.

We'll update the blog again tomorrow.

Let us know if you have any questions. Use the contact form on our Contact page to send us a message, or call us direct at 401 728 0762. We're usually in the Bindery by 9:00 and leave around 4:00 (EST). Cheers! - Jason